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Starcraft 2 Orbital Command

Starcraft 2 Orbital Command

For Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Tips for 'The Dig' Hard Mode Achievement?' If you have Orbital command, you.


Starcraft 2 Orbital Command

#1 Now I just watched this TLO vs Spanishiwa game that husky cast and at 7:55 he said that the worker count would favor the zerg and I immediately thought of the 3 orbital commands TLO had and how the mules would count into that(not that husky is the most analytic caster, but get your things straight dog. Becouse husky is a kinda dog and his name is huskystarcraft)So I decided to lay down some numbers and see what we can find out together! Actually not together you’re not doing anything your just watching what I already did.I am 14 and in 8th grade so exactly the world’s best mathematician but I got bored had a calculator on my table and decided to check out some orbital commands. Now this has been made really really simple.

No really it’s that simple, because I don’t expect button mashing fps haters that do nothing but scream “ZOMG MULES FUCKING OP NERF OTHER RACES THEN WHAT I AM GRRRRR BLIAZAAAAAAAARDD!!!!!” to be the most intelligent creatures in the world, so it’s really dumbed downAll of these things I state are something that I either calculated or that I tried in Starcraft 2 there is always room for human error when stuff like this is done. Well have fun reading.Tested this on shattered temple top spawn and it seemed pretty legit 270 minerals per mule. I am going to use this in my calculations bellow.Mule = 270 minerals on shattered temple top spawnMule = 50 energy50 energy = 90 Starcraft 2 seconds270 minerals = 50 energy note that this is only true if you don’t use any scans at all (which is unlikely)50 energy/90 seconds = 0,555555556 energy/second270 minerals/90 seconds = 3 minerals/secondNow I found out an orbital command made 3 minerals per second if you ONLY use mules. So that did not really tell me much because I had no idea how much a scv/drone/probe would get you, so I went and tested it. I got it to 60 minerals in 90 seconds so that’s60/90 = 2/3 = 0, minerals per secondSo that’s 4,5 scv/drone/probes per orbital command if you ONLY use mules3/(2/3) = 4,5 workers/orbital command if you ONLY use mulesSo now I am going to lay down some fucking crazy ass 8th grade mathimatishiying. #2 Your math is wrong. You cannot say that the 270 minerals from the 50 energy the orbital command reduces the cost of building the orbital command.

The orbital command has a mining rate just like scvs. Not a gift of free minerals. An orbital command costs 413 minerals. (or 411 if we use your math)Also the cost effectiveness of making scv's changes depending on the mineral saturation as the additional SCV has a different mining rate depending on the saturation.Also you have to take into consideration the number of minerals the scv's that weren't built immediately don't mine when you are building the equivalent number of scv's to an orbital command. The 4th scv built will mine 51 less seconds than the first scv so there is delay in the amount mined. Just like there is a 135 second delay in the mining of an orbital command from start to completion.etc.Just some things to consider. On May 02 2011 05:05 xZiGGY wrote:you forgot to mention that an orbital starts with 50 energy, so its not 3 minerals/second it's 270minerasls+3minerals/s with a 90s return of 270 minerals for 150 minerals + timesorry if this has been mentioned it was kinda TL;DR but that was a key point I thought you needed to reconsider:oHe definitely mentioned it.

I think this is why TL hates the tl;dr reply.Awesome first post. It was great to see you include the lost minerals from less mining time (SCVs building stuff), which is a major terran weakness that other races tend to forget.The one distinction that I think is important is that the cost of an orbital command, while perhaps more efficient than that of SCVs, is much more front-loaded - 400 minerals right off the bat, then 150 when the CC finishes. I think that's the main reason people don't build extra OCs.Also, I wonder about the comparison between the cost of CCs and the cost of SCVs. Presumably, if you have enough miners, it's more efficient to stop building SCVs and just save up money for an OC. But if you don't have many miners, then it's more efficent to just build the SCVs (this is because minerals deflate in value as the game goes on, 100 mins at the 1 minute mark is quite a bit, at the 20 minute mark its practically nothing.

Also you can queue up and build a lot more SCVs early on instead of not building SCVs and waitinf for 400min, than you can later, when your income is higher). I wonder where the cutoff is, that'd maybe be worth knowing.One other thing: extra OCs give you extra SCVs - you can build more, and more quickly saturate a base. I don't know how that would affect the calculations. On May 02 2011 04:41 Lore-Fighting wrote:I am remembering a game by a terran months ago. Boxer maybe?Boxer definitely.I would love to view this game anyone have a link for the replay or know what it was against or where i can find it?

#19 Great effort on the OP. Some of your math is a little bit off, but you have the general idea down very well.Using CCs as a means to increase efficiency in mining and army supply is still quite problematic, namely because of timings and opportunity costs, as pointed out by GeorgeForeman.

You noted this yourself when you factored in the time it took to build an orbital command, but the point can be expanded on.The biggest problem of using an Orbital command as a means of providing supply for your army is that you have to expect in advance at which point the additional supply becomes relevant.

Commander SummaryRaynor overwhelms enemies by using his Orbital Drop Pods to quicky reinforce his armies on the battlefield. Level Unlocks Level/IconNameDescriptionRapid RecruitmentRaynor trains combat units and builds Barracks 50% faster.Mechanical units cost 20% less gas.Stimpack grants increase bonuses, costs less life, and does not require research.Banshee AirstrikeUnlocks the ability to call down cloaked Dusk Wings with timed life, dealing damage to the target area upon arrival. Call down Banshee Airstrike from the top panel.Nano ProjectorsIncreases the Firebat attack range and Medic heal range from 2 to 4.Infantry Upgrade CacheUnlocks the following upgrades at the Barracks Tech Lab:. Widen Firebats' damage radius by 40%.

Starcraft 2 Units

Increase Firebats' life from 100 to 200 and armour from 1 to 3. Increase Medics' healing speed, allow them to heal mechanical units, and reduce the damage taken by units they heal.Hyperion: Point Defense DroneEnables the Hyperion to deploy defensive drones that shoots down enemy missiles. Call down the Hyperion from the top panel.New Unit: BattlecruiserPowerful warship.

Hellbat Sc2

Can use Yamato Cannon and Tactical Jump. Built at the Starport.Can attack ground and air units.Battle BunkersEquips bunkers with automated turrets that attack ground and air units. AbilityNameDescriptionCooldownHyperjumpHyperjump to the targeted location.15 secondsYamato CannonBlasts a unit with a devastating plasma cannon, dealing 600 damage to it and nearby enemies.15 secondsPoint Defense DroneUses a laser to shoot down enemy missiles.Cannot target special attacks.Times out after 180 seconds.Each shot consumes 10 energy. (4 charges max)5 secondsSub-Ascension LevelingDifficulty: EasyRaynor plays the same way he does at Ascension levels when he is at lower levels.

The only difference is that he is a lot slower, due to Supply Depots having a build time, as well as units not being able to be deployed directly onto the battlefield. Because of the latter, ensure the path between your army and your production is cleared to prevent your army units from being intercepted by enemy units.While leveling through Mastery levels, allocate points with an equal split on Power Set 1. MasteriesBelow are the three Power Sets for Raynor with the recommended point allocations for each. Note that these are meant to serve a general, all-purpose build that is effective across all maps.

You are highly encourged to change these masteries to suit your playstyle and particular challenges you face (e.g. ).Power Set 1: PowerValueRecommended Points to AddFurther ConsiderationsResearch Resource Cost-2% per point-60% maximum15A careful balance is needed over here. Research cost reductions are great, but they are temporary. Once research is done, you won't be able to take advantage of the mastery. However, going for max unit speed can slow down getting research that significantly powers your army up.Speed Increases for Drop Pod Units2% per point60% maximum15This depends a lot on the playstyle of the player. Research Cost Reduction can help with early game upgrades, while Speed Increases can make reinforcing units a lot more powerful.Power Set 2: PowerValueRecommended Points to AddFurther ConsiderationsHyperion Cooldown-4 sec per point-120 sec maximum0For players that prefer to have the much more powerful Hyperion more available at their disposal, the Hyperion mastery can be selected. On certain mutators, it might be better to have it present rather than the Banshees that die quickly.Banshee Airstrike Cooldown-4 sec per point-120 sec maximum30The Banshee Airstrike Cooldown mastery is the better choice here.

At maximum level, Banshees can be out on the battlefield for almost 50% of the mission time.Power Set 3: PowerValueRecommended Points to AddFurther ConsiderationsMedics Heal Addtional Target3% per point90% maximum?This is purely a matter of what kind of build the player prefers to do. Medic heals don't really benfit Mechanical units greatly and thus, the mastery points are better spent on the Mech attack speed.Mech Attack Speed1% per point30% maximum?This depends on the playstyle. If going for a Mech build, the Mech Attack Speed is the better choice here.

Starcraft 2 orbital command list

Otherwise, Medic Healing should be picked. Combat UnitsFor more information on unit stats, comparison between units and upgrade calculations, visit the page.Raynor's combat units are listed below. Useful on infested maps due to splash damage. Can be used against Swarmy and MutaLing Zerg.Skills: SkillNameDescriptionCooldownEnergy CostStimpackInjects the unit with powerful stimulants that greatly increase attack speed (by 43%) and movement speed (by 50%) for 10 seconds.

Injures the unit for 10 of the unit's life.0 seconds0Upgrades: UpgradeNameEffect/Research TimeIncinerator GauntletsWidens the Firebat's damage radius by 40%.50/5060 secondsJuggernaut PlatingFirebats gain +100 life and +2 armor.100/10060 seconds. Must-have in your army, especially if going for a Bio-based build. Used to heal off the effects of Stim Pack as well as damage to your army.Skills: SkillNameDescriptionCooldownEnergy CostHealHeals a friendly biological target.Heals 9 life per 3 energy per second.0 seconds0Upgrades: UpgradeNameEffect/Research TimeStabilizer MedpacksIncreases the Medic's healing speed to 12 life per 3 energy per second and allows them to heal mechanical units. Units being healed by Medics take 25% less damage.100/10060 seconds. Useful for spawn-camping enemy spawn points.

Ensure you get the 'Replenishable Magazine' upgrade to allow you to re-make Spider Mines. Can be used to take out ground-base objectives like the train on.

Deals low DPS, so keep them away from your frontline.Skills: SkillNameDescriptionCooldownEnergy CostDeploy Spider MineSpider Mines pursue enemy units that come in range, and detonate for heavy area damage. Buried Spider Mines can only be seen by enemy Detectors. Great defensive unit.

Defend them with a strong Bio force or Spider Mines.Skills: SkillNameDescriptionCooldownEnergy CostIgnite AfterburnersIncreases this unit's movement speed by 100% for 8 seconds.60 seconds0Upgrades: UpgradeNameEffect/Research TimeAdvanced Siege TechReduces the transformation time of Siege Tanks by 50%. Siege Tanks gain +3 armor in Siege Mode.150/15090 secondsAdvanced OpticsIncreases the range of all vehicle and ship weapons by 1.200/200120 secondsAfterburnersVehicles and ships gain afterburners that increase the unit's movement speed by 100% for 8 seconds upon activation.100/10060 seconds. Great for anti-air combat. 'Ripwave Missiles' is a must-get against heavy air compositions.Skills: SkillNameDescriptionCooldownEnergy CostIgnite AfterburnersIncreases this unit's movement speed by 100% for 8 seconds.60 seconds0Upgrades: UpgradeNameEffect/Research TimePhobos Weapons SystemViking weapons system upgrade. Increases air attack range by 2 and ground attack range by 1.100/10060 secondsRipwave MissilesUpgrades the Viking's missiles to deal area damage.150/15090 secondsAdvanced OpticsIncreases the range of all vehicle and ship weapons by 1.200/200120 secondsAfterburnersVehicles and ships gain afterburners that increase the unit's movement speed by 100% for 8 seconds upon activation.100/10060 seconds. Generally not worth making. Does great ground DPS, but very fragile.

Can be used to compliment ground forces.Skills: SkillNameDescriptionCooldownEnergy CostCloakCloaks the unit, preventing enemy units from seeing or attacking it. A cloaked unit will only be revealed by detectors or effects. Cloaked Banshees also have their range increased by 2.Drains 0.9 energy per second.0 seconds0Ignite AfterburnersIncreases this unit's movement speed by 100% for 8 seconds.60 seconds0Upgrades: UpgradeNameEffect/Research TimeCloaking FieldEnables Banshees to use the Cloak ability. Cloak renders the Banshee invisible to enemies unless the unit is revealed by detectors or effects.100/10060 secondsShockwave Missile BatteryUpgrades the Banshee's attack to fire multiple missile bursts in a straight line.150/15090 secondsAdvanced OpticsIncreases the range of all vehicle and ship weapons by 1.200/200120 secondsAfterburnersVehicles and ships gain afterburners that increase the unit's movement speed by 100% for 8 seconds upon activation.100/10060 seconds. Powerful capital ship.

High survivability and mobility with Tactical Jump. Extremely expensive.Skills: SkillNameDescriptionCooldownEnergy CostYamato CannonBlasts a target with a devastating plasma cannon, causing 300 damage.60 seconds0Tactical JumpWarps to the target location. Battlecruiser is invulnerable while warping.60 seconds0Ignite AfterburnersIncreases this unit's movement speed by 100% for 8 seconds.60 seconds0Upgrades: UpgradeNameEffect/Research TimeWeapon RefitEnables use of the Battlecruiser Yamato Cannon.150/15090 secondsAdvanced OpticsIncreases the range of all vehicle and ship weapons by 1.200/200120 secondsAfterburnersVehicles and ships gain afterburners that increase the unit's movement speed by 100% for 8 seconds upon activation.100/10060 secondsBuild OrderBelow is the standard economic build order for Raynor. For more information on how to read and construct your own build orders, please check the page.14 Supply Depot16 Command Center at Rocks19 Barracks20 Orbital Command Upgrade20 Command Center at Rocks21 Orbital Command Upgrade21 Refinery22 Refinery25 Command Center at MainGameplay Guide Playstyle TrapsA common trap for Raynor players is to try and rush Battlecruisers, given their strength, while either ignoring/using their calldowns inefficiently.

This causes them to be extremely weak in the early game.In order to rush BC's, players must be familiar with their build order and ensure that they are able to macro up and build their economy. Additionally, they also need to use their calldowns as efficiently as possible (as these calldowns will be the sole damage output from them for a while). In the early phases of the game where only a few Battlecruisers are present, players will need to also actively micro them, to ensure they do not lose any unncessarily.An additional note to make is that a player should focus on one type of build, and not hybridize their build unless they intend on playing a long game. This is because when doing a Hybrid build, the player's resources are stretched too thinly and can weaken their entire army. For longer games, players can choose to transition into higher tech units in order to deal with high tech attack waves, such as Reavers and Disruptors.

Playstyle Tips. Build at least 4 Orbital Command Centers and drop Mules to quickly boost your mineral income. Ensure you always have enough energy for Scans, as that will be where most of your detection comes from.

It is recommended to have at least 5 Barracks in the game if doing a Bio-based build (2 Tech'ed, and 3 Reactor'ed). If doing a Bio-based build, spend any floating minerals on more Orbital Command Centers and Barracks.

This will allow you to re-max your army almost instantly. Take advantage of your calldowns, especially during the early game as you attempt to ramp up. Armour upgrades are highly recommended with Raynor due to them being able to increase your units' HP.

Starcraft 2 Orbital Command